Its one thing to enjoy something, but when you step into that fandom you are breaking into a whole new world.
As an active Doctor Who lover, I was easily drawn into the Doctor Who fandom. I owe so much to the doctor. This show is the entire reason I am a cosplayer at all. Without seeing it I would have continued through life feeling like an outcast for liking the things I do.
Becoming an active part of a fandom can be a big decision, especially when deciding on which on to chose.
Fandoms, just like people, come with the good and the bad.
There are fandoms who welcome newbies with open arms. It is these types of fandoms that get me really excited about our shared interests. You know, no matter what, that what you do will be enjoyed, accepted, and appreciated.
Everyday involved with a fandom like this is heart warming and exciting. You are constantly surrounded by friends, some you know, and some you have yet to meet.
Becoming an active part of a fandom can be a big decision, especially when deciding on which on to chose.
Fandoms, just like people, come with the good and the bad.
There are fandoms who welcome newbies with open arms. It is these types of fandoms that get me really excited about our shared interests. You know, no matter what, that what you do will be enjoyed, accepted, and appreciated.
Everyday involved with a fandom like this is heart warming and exciting. You are constantly surrounded by friends, some you know, and some you have yet to meet.
However, on the other side there are those fandoms that often times see themselves in an elitist point of view. Plastic, as Mean Girls would say.
Fandoms like this often have people who feel it is their right to deem fans as worthy or not. There is a sense of ownership over the rights to enjoy the show or comic or book, etc.
Fandoms that are like this can often lead to an upset in fans. Many of us geeks have dealt with bullies our whole lives. We turn to our interests, and those who share them, to get away from the hate.
But what happens when your interest is the source of the hate?

Here is my advice:
Love what you love.
You are not defined by your fandom.
You are an individual, and you are strong. Don't let the bullies define you.
If you happen upon one of these "plastic" fandoms. Move on. If you feel outcasted, there are others who do too.
Find the support, find the love, find the fans.
Remember there will be good and bad wherever you turn, it is your task to define yourself.

Fandoms like this often have people who feel it is their right to deem fans as worthy or not. There is a sense of ownership over the rights to enjoy the show or comic or book, etc.
Fandoms that are like this can often lead to an upset in fans. Many of us geeks have dealt with bullies our whole lives. We turn to our interests, and those who share them, to get away from the hate.
But what happens when your interest is the source of the hate?

Here is my advice:
Love what you love.
You are not defined by your fandom.
You are an individual, and you are strong. Don't let the bullies define you.
If you happen upon one of these "plastic" fandoms. Move on. If you feel outcasted, there are others who do too.
Find the support, find the love, find the fans.
Remember there will be good and bad wherever you turn, it is your task to define yourself.